Upper and Lower Arch Implant Solution – By Finley Bason

The Treatment

This gentleman was referred from his dentist to our periodontist (dentist specialising in gum treatment). He had advanced, severe gum disease that had resulted in loss of individual teeth and loss of support of remaining teeth with mobility and poor appearance.

After careful assessment and examination an initial phase of non surgical gum treatment and oral hygiene instruction was carried out over 3 visits. This was very successful in improving the oral hygiene and gum health and also gave our patient the understanding and motivation to look after his remaining teeth.

At the end of this stage of treatment our patient had gained the skills to maintain his teeth at home but this also brought a wish to improve the appearance of his teeth.

Over the next phase we looked at individual teeth and function and took into account his wishes and gave a few options.

Our patient elected for implant supported fixed upper teeth and implant supported removable lower teeth.  After the excellent response to treatment of the gum disease in phase one we were satisfied that our patient would be able to look after his new teeth which is important for a long lasting and healthy smile.

The following stages after planning was placement of 4 dental implants in upper and lower jaw and fabrication of upper and lower full set of teeth.

My dental journey


‘For many years I was in complete denial about the state of my teeth.  I knew they were failing due to poor gums – and after having the back 8 teeth taken out, I pretended for another few years that I could get away without biting hard on anything again.

I went to some dentists but they were very reluctant to take me on as I had some medical issues that’s would need to be managed carefully alongside any treatment.  So I stopped visiting dentists.

Then, in 2020 I finally had to admit that I was in trouble.  I found a new dentist after having a nasty infection.  These regular infections were only going to get worse, and my teeth were getting more and more loose.  He referred me to Carriage Works and after 18 months of regular visits I now have a new smile and functioning teeth for the first time in years.

My journey started with deep cleans and hygiene work.  But it soon became apparent that I had only one reliable tooth remaining, and all the others were either dubious or beyond saving.  I transferred under the care of Fin and we talked through all my options.  After time for reflection, I decided to have all teeth removed and a fixed “all on four” upper arch with a removable “all on four” lower arch.   We built a plan and timetable.

The first set of extractions was the most problematic, as I bleed a lot, and we ended up having more and more stitches to stem the bleeding.  Fin, and his team were brilliant and reacted immediately when my wife and I returned late at night, and early one morning for emergency help.  A few weeks later the rest came out.  Implants were put in at the same time as the extractions, and I am glad we did this.  The fewer times we broke the skin, the better!

Finally after several weeks dealing with the extractions, I had functioning, but temporary teeth, both top and bottom.  Then the engineering side of things began.  Fin and the team were meticulous and perfectionistic as they tested, and then checked and rechecked for bite alignment, comfort, and match.  I was, by now, quite sure that when this journey was over, everything would have been worthwhile.

And it was.  And it remains so!

I often read about and hear radio adverts about “a smile in a day”.  I don’t know how this can be possible, based on my personal experience.  Maybe you get what you pay for.  But I would always recommend that if you need courage to undertake this journey, talk to the dentist, and build that rapport.  Only begin when you’re happy, and make sure that your partner for the journey is going to be there through to the end.

All this takes time to do properly!  It’s NOT done in a day.   The end of the journey is when you and your dentist are happy the treatment has worked….not when they go home for the evening.’