Post Extraction Instructions
- Avoid physical exertion and any vigorous exercise. Ideally, you should rest for a few hours if possible with your head propped up but do not lie flat.
- Do not rinse your mouth out today. Starting tomorrow, use a hot saltwater mouthwash to rinse out your mouth. Take a level teaspoon of salt and add it to a glass of warm water as hot as possible without burning. Do this after every meal and before going to bed. Continue daily for up to a week after the extraction.
- Do not be worried if small pieces of bone or tooth are felt. These will go with time.
- You are likely to feel uncomfortable after an extraction. Unless advised otherwise, you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to ease any discomfort felt when the injection wears off.
- Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after the extraction, ideally 48 hours if possible. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of infection in the tooth socket.
- Avoid alcoholic drinks for at least 24 hours after extraction.
- Avoid very hot food and drink whilst numb. Eat a soft diet for 24/48 hours and drink plenty of fluids. Gradually return to a normal diet as healing continues.
- For the remainder of the day, eat on the unaffected side preferably soft food.
Occasionally a painful infection may occur in the tooth socket a few days after the extraction. If you are worried about how the socket is healing, please telephone the surgery on 01208 873116 for advice. For out of hours emergency advice please call the Dental Help Line on 01872 354375.
If excessive bleeding occurs
- Avoid all exertion. Sit, but do not lie down.
- Clean your mouth with a damp cloth to see which part is bleeding. Spit out but do not
- Take a damp piece of cloth or a handkerchief and make a small pad. Place it on the bleeding point. Sit down & bite firmly onto the pad. Repeat as necessary with fresh, clean pads. Maintain constant, steady pressure for 30 minutes.
- Please feel free to contact the surgery on 01208 873116if the bleeding continues for more than two hours.