Periodontal Care
As the British Society of Periodontology guidelines state, patients with a BPE of 4 should be referred to a Specialist in Periodontics for periodontal treatment. If your patient requires advance periodontal care or has unstable periodontal disease, we would like to offer this service to your patients.
From the first consultation, to non-surgical, surgical or regenerative procedures as well as maintenance programs, Imogen will work with patients and their referring clinicians to treat and control all types of periodontitis.
We recommend an initial consultation with Imogen so that she can carry out a full clinical and radiological assessment, establish a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan. We will keep you up to date with your patient’s progress along the way and return the patient to you for their continued care.
Imogen will accept referrals for:
- Non surgical periodontal treatment
- Surgical procedures
- Gingivae contouring and soft tissue surgery
- Routine to advanced hygiene services
- PRGF (Plasma Rich in Growth Factor)
- Treatment with Emdogain