
Are you having Facial Aesthetic treatments in a safe environment?

Having facial aesthetics at Botox parties, beauty salons or at home by mobile practitioners may seem appealing, especially with the low price tags that go with it, but is this safe?

You may be lucky and not have any problems but there have been many reports of complications where ‘under qualified practitioners’ treatment have resulted in permanent scarring, facial asymmetry, vascular occlusions ( when an artery is blocked or compressed ) skin necrosis, infection ,significant pain & visual impairment. Facial aesthetic treatments should always be performed in a safe, accredited and clinical environment with a trained professional that is fully insured & competent in dealing with complications swiftly, should they arise. Your practitioner should be easily accessible in the coming days should you have any concerns or questions.

Please look after yourselves! We care about you whether you’re our patients or not.